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  3. Virtual Device
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    2. Running
  4. Server Components
    1. Install
    2. Configure
  5. Client — Android
    1. Build & Install
    2. Using
  6. Client — iOS
    1. Build & Install
  7. Wire Protocol
    1. Protocol Description
    2. Extend and Build

SVMP 1.3.0 Released

SVMP now has an iOS client! It’s fairly basic at the moment compared to the Android client application, but the two will converge over time. The SVMP server received an overhaul and now includes more logging options and fully automated lifecycle management of the Android virtual machines when used with an OpenStack cloud. Some remaining issues with the VM’s virtual SD card were fixed. Another focus of this release is on improving security. PKI certificate based user authentication was added as an option. The Android client now supports server certificate pinning. And we had a security code review performed that resulted in a number of smaller improvements.

Detailed Change Log

Android Client

iOS Client

SVMP Server