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  3. Virtual Device
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    2. Running
  4. Server Components
    1. Install
    2. Configure
  5. Client — Android
    1. Build & Install
    2. Using
  6. Client — iOS
    1. Build & Install
  7. Wire Protocol
    1. Protocol Description
    2. Extend and Build

Using the Android Client

Add a New Connection

When you first open the client, you need to add a new connection before connecting to an SVMP server. Starting from the Connection List screen, tap the New button to begin adding a new connection. This will bring you to the Connection Details screen. Fill out the information for the SVMP server and tap Save. This will bring you back to the Connection List screen, and you will see a new Connection entry in the list. Long-press the Connection to see some context options:
you can long-press a connection to view various options to interact with it.

View and Run Remote Apps

Starting from the Connection List screen, find the Connection you want to use and tap it.
Note: if the ‘Use desktop mode’ preference is enabled, you must tap the Apps button instead.
This will bring you to the App List screen, your remote app drawer for this Connection. You will see two tabs, All Apps and Favorites.

If this is a new Connection, the app drawer will be empty. Tap your device’s Menu button and you will see two options to refresh your apps:

Select Refresh apps (quick) and you will be prompted for your login credentials. After you successfully log in, your remote app list will be refreshed and you will see a list of apps to use.

You will notice a green SVMP icon in your notification bar; this indicates that the SVMP Service is running and you are currently connected to the server. While this is running, starting apps will be quicker and you won’t need to log in again.

Before tapping on an app, pick one and long-press it to see some context options:

Now, try tapping on an app — this will bring you to the remote video screen and start the app so you can interact with it. Whenever you are done, tap your device’s Back or Home button to exit the app.


From any SVMP screen (except the remote video screen), you can tap your device’s Menu button to access the Preferences option. Tapping this will bring you to the Preferences screen, where you can configure various items. The average user won’t need to use this, it is mostly geared towards administrators or developers. As of this writing, the available preferences are: