1. About
    1. Welcome
    2. Project News
    3. Architecture
    4. Community Wiki
  2. Get Involved
    1. Get the Code
    2. Mailing Lists
    3. Contributing
  3. Virtual Device
    1. Building
    2. Running
  4. Server Components
    1. Install
    2. Configure
  5. Client — Android
    1. Build & Install
    2. Using
  6. Client — iOS
    1. Build & Install
  7. Wire Protocol
    1. Protocol Description
    2. Extend and Build

SVMP 1.4.1 Released

SVMP 1.4.1 fixes a few bugs discovered just after 1.4.0 went out the door. A kernel patch added at the last minute apparently didn’t get tested and broke the VM build. One of the sub-commands of the svmp-server’s command line utility was producing visually incorrect (although factually correct) output. A few updates for the Android client were ready to ship as well.

Detailed Change Log

Android Client

SVMP Server